I’m from Ireland. I was a nurse and specialised in spinal cord and head injury. I came to Glasgow to study Occupational Therapy and worked as an addiction counsellor. I also studied Maharishi AyurVeda healthcare in the USA.

I was searching for a meditation that was deep and easy to fit into my life. My Ayurvedic doctor inspired me by explaining that TM is natural, easy to do and is backed by scientific research. Having a teacher to help me understand my experiences swung it for me!

Initially I noticed that I slept better, I was more relaxed and my health and energy improved. Over time my confidence and focus grew, my career path opened up. I saw more possibilities in life and wasn’t deterred by obstacles.

I love teaching TM because I get to give a lifelong tool that brings profound changes in such a simple and natural way. I am interested in people’s progress and love encouraging and supporting people in their journey.

“What a gift... the ability to live our lives better, fuller, effortlessly.”
Seiod Ni Laoire

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